BE HEARD. Collectively we can move mountains

Powered by the Validus Token Marketing and Development wallets

Phase one is to strategically use funding from the marketing and development wallets to build mass in the Validus Token Community via a comprehensive marketing campaign:

  • Free Token Airdrops

  • Social Media Advertising

  • Strategic Sponsorships and Partnerships

  • Paid Google Advertising and Search Engine Optimization

  • Traditional Media (Print and Television)

  • AI Marketing

  • Guerilla Marketing

  • Public Relations and Celebrity Seeding

Quartered on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit and LinkedIn

A community of millions with a collective voice, where we share news, updates, content and collectively develop calls to action. The marketing and development wallets will then fully fund the paid elements of each movement via mediums such as, social networks, Google reviews, online advertising and mainstream media.

The Validus Token Community will “walk the talk”, collectively we will influence business and government decision making.

Sustainably, 1% of all transactions made with Validus Token is sent back to the Marketing Wallet. This ensures that when the community is built we will continually have the resources to continue our charter.

Our focus is to build the community then the community will shape the world.